In response to this comment on my DVD store on
I quote:
In reply to an earlier post on Feb 22, 2013 9:02:59 PM PST
Steven says:
Right about now I'm good for any religion that don't accept sex unless married, wars, guns, foul language cause its crazy out here.
My response:
So that supposedly supposedly suggests "What other religions follow this concocted list other than Jehovah's Witnesses?"
Steven says:
Right about now I'm good for any religion that don't accept sex unless married, wars, guns, foul language cause its crazy out here.
My response:
So that supposedly supposedly suggests "What other religions follow this concocted list other than Jehovah's Witnesses?"
You left out the history of the yearly doctrinal changes, lies and utter nonsense printed by this organization and the tens of thousands who have lost their lives because for years they wouldn't allow emergency blood transfusions (they secretly do now and soon the doctrine will be abandoned (at the suggestion of their attorneys). Yet for decades, they applied this strict ban, even to their children, letting them die as an honorable sacrifice to their imaginary god "Jehovah," the old testament Molech of the Watchtower organization of 8 million members.
Currently, they are now beginning to implode. Breakaway sects are forming rapidly at present. In court cases involving sexual molestation. (Especially with all the Catholic leadership scandals involving child abuse, rape, and elder abuse.) In the last five years alone this has already cost the Watchtower MILLIONs. They are losing these cases or settling them out of court. If you were abused by an elder or fellow congregation member, NOW is the time to seek a qualified attorney!
You left out the history of their yearly doctrinal changes, lies and utter nonsense printed by this organization. the tens of thousands who have lost their lives because for years they wouldn't allow emergency blood transfusions (they secretly do now and soon the doctrine will be abandoned (at the suggestion of their attorneys). Yet for decades, they applied this strict ban, even to their children, letting them die as an honorable sacrifice to their imaginary god "Jehovah," the old testament Molech of the Watchtower organization of 8 million members.
They are now (especially with all the new Catholic priest scandals involving child abuse, rape, and elder abuse) are beginning to implode and in court cases this has already cost the Watchtower MILLIONs and they are losing these cases or settling them out of court. If you were abused by an elder or fellow congregation member, NOW is the time to seek a qualified attorney!
Some of the Watchtower's own "Governing Body" were secretly found guilty of such heinous crimes, and relocated or denied progressive privileges, while remaining at headquarters as elders and speaking representatives and high-level overseers. But the average JW is never told about these cover-ups.
In this year of 2013 alone, they will lose millions in court cases of pedophilia perpetrated, sometimes, by ELDERS working together! With several thousand old men huddled in a secretive organization, they can sexually abuse workers with impunity.
Additionally, you fail to mention specifically any "other religions" by name that are seemingly "upright." Why? Because JWS believe ALL other religions are agents of Satan the Devil except the Watchtower and ALL their members will be destroyed by "Jehovah" at Armageddon!
I know, I was a factory overseer and Bethel elder in charge of production of ALL their millions of Bibles and many other books for 4 years in New York, as well as being a traveling representative, Bethel elder and congregational overseer at their headquarters for 6 years (receiving $14 a month salary back then) from 1974 to 1980. I know their finances, cost accounting, scams, most all of their current policies and how each policy is continually reinterpreted, not as having the real political and financial motivations, but as "changes" in their ability to listen to the "invisible" Jehovah that they channel in closed-door secret proceedings. They even admit to using such sources!
New doctrines in high-control religions are always derived from the need to protect the organization's millions or billions of dollars in assets. Such "changes" in doctrine always came into being for internal monetary and political motivations. It is all heavily documented online in thousands of web sites. Just use your search engine and look for the documents THEY printed in order to justify my claims. You cannot justify anything of what you say in praise of them.
Currently they are desperate to survive... selling off billions in property and making outside investments in real estate and companies with interests and goals entirely contrary to their interests, just to keep the money machine rolling. If you haven't worked in the leadership in New York or one of the hundreds of other international branches and don't have access to facts, figures, and the thousands of testimonies of people whose lives have been ruined by their shunning and misinformation policies, you need to do some research. Your failure to disclose facts, figures and being dishonest or at best uneducated, is typical of members of such groups ("We are the ONLY true religion!") and some sects or Christianity.
Get out and live a real life... not one full of guilt and shady, illegal practices. Just look up "Jehovah's Witnesses" in a search engine. They are on the decline and there is no return. 19th-century American religious leaders in the Christian-arena are often notorious sources of misinformation, borrowing from early Adventist (not the same as the current Seventh-Day Adventists) ideas and quoting spirit mediums and numerologists to back up their outrageous claims.
This is a dangerous religion, doctrines or not. Educate yourself BEFORE you join! Ask Jehovah's Witnesses for concrete answers, rather than just accepting their quick attempt to change the subject and use broad, unsupportable assertions and ad hominem attacks as they seek to obfuscate the truth about their sordid history.
Personally, I was never treated badly by the old men and left on my own accord when the scales fell off my eyes in 1979. But I cannot just let these crimes pass unnoticed, so thus I carry this and other DVDs concerning their practices.
Randall Watters
and more.