I'm just curious? Since I have become aware that witnesses are getting older and that the youth is leaving (well in western lands anyway), I have started doing counts by age group of the people sitting in the hall. Generally in the hall that I attend I have found that 2/3 are 40 and over while 1/3 is 40 and under. Also notably in the 18-25 year old bracket is around 7% of total attenders. BTW I live in a western country. So for those of us who still go to the meetings, I am asking if you could do a count by age group and post it back on here. What I would also like to know is, if you live in a 1st world/developing/3rd world country, as I'm guessing that the congregations in 3rd world countries would show a lot more younger membership.
Im not totally convinced that the reason witnesses are getting older is totally the WTS fault either, as in the USA and other countries the population is ageing, and also youth in general are turning away from religion. So I'm guessing this phenominum could perhaps be seen in other religions, e.g how many youths do you see walking out of the Catholic Church. I will admit that compared to other churches the WTS has under performed in trying to retain its youth. So please get counting as I like to see the numbers, and to see how the composition changes from one land to another. Thank you.