48 “But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’”
How has the wicked Governing Body said “my master is staying away a long time”? By repeatedly declaring that the end will come soon, even though years, decades and now over a century have passed with no end in sight. When 1914 failed to come true, then it moved the date to 1925, then 1932, 1935, 1975, 1986, among other dates. In 1918, “Judge” Rutherford gave the talk, “Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” But by 1997, the Watchtower said that view was merely “over optimism.” Its “generation that will not pass away until all these things have occurred” doctrine has repeatedly been changed as the generation who saw the events of 1914 has completely vanished from the face of the earth.
“ 49 … and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards”
How does the Governing Body beat its fellow slaves? By disfellowshipping anyone who cannot stomach the poisoned “food” it dispenses. It verbally abuses and ostracizes anyone who refuses to go along with its twisted, self-serving teachings. Instead of serving food to others, it gluttonously eats, getting fat on the valuable material things of those who look to it for spiritual sustenance. And instead of clear thinking, it displays signs of drunkenness with it delusional teachings and freedom-robbing mandates.
50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of.
The Governing Body or as it refers to itself, “the faithful and discreet slave,” has made it abundantly clear for the past one hundred years that it does not know the day or hour of the Lord’s return. In fact, the Governing Body is the last place anyone should turn to learn about God and his word the Bible.