Only “Apostates” Can Warn You!

by Marvin Shilmer 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Only “Apostates” Can Warn You!

    Today I added a new article to my blog disclosing Watchtower’s new doctrinal position that puts “apostates” in a unique position to warn Jehovah’s Witnesses of Watchtower’s 8-member Governing Body.

    I doubt Watchtower realized the can of worms it was opening with its new “slave” teaching, and how it elevates “apostates” from debasement to unique protectors of the victimized. But that’s what it does.

    My new article is titled Only “Apostates” Can Warn You! and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • *lost*
  • Mum

    Yet another reason I love being an "apostate!"

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…I love being an ‘apostate!’”

    If not for caring folk like you, who else loves truth enough and has sufficient information to tell Jehovah’s Witnesses what is beating on them and hanging out with drunkards?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Glander

    Imagine a doctor that warns you not to get a second opinion from anyone who knows anything about him or medical matters in general..

  • RayPublisher

    Good point Glander!

  • BU2B

    Amazing how this NU Lite has so many inconsistencies, but this means it can wake more up.

    I think I will ask this question to my wife when the time is right. If the GB did become the evil slave, how would a loyal JW ever find out? Any member who denounced them as evil will be DF and JWs would have to shun them! So how would a JW find out since they are forbidden from talking to whoever the FDS/Evil slave says not to.

    Unfourtunately JWs will just gloss this over. They are either unable or unwilling to think about things too deeply other than whose house they will loot/move into in the New world. Maybe the mini mansion of that Do Not Call will do nicely.

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