How does it feel to be a JW in2013?
Seriously, I imagine it to be quite a strain, a tiring experience. One of doubt and constant inner turmoil. The JWs I know are more rebellious than ever before. Saying no to requests from elders, disagreeing with doctrines, questioning the restraints of JWs such as alternative facts and ideas etc.
Time is passing, as it has for the last 100,000+ years of human life and everyone keeps dying, despite Armageddon supposedly coming long before the menopause did.
It pains me that I lost all those years to a sham. But it could be worse..... I could still be waiting for a magical world promised in the stories of Jewish shepherds.
Do people still on have ANY sense that the world and time doesn't wait for anyone? We will ALL die. We will all be forgotten. It isn't coming! Seeing prophecy in news events is just sad.... Because ten years on, that news article about the economy collapsing or war with North Korea didnt bring Armageddon.... AGAIN. Its just.....sad. Anyone can make a prediction fit after an event, there are no prophecies, just talk of beasts and horns and crowns and stars and thats it! That's it!
Reading jesus talking about returning, he clearly is talking to the people before him. If you believe the bible he did return, 4 times after he died. Twice just after he died, once at Pentecost and if you belive the Christian killer from Rome, he also showed himself to Paul, 30 years after he died.
So his 5th return will be the big one? ....sigh.......
I talk about all this because I realised something in my last conversation with JWs I know. They don't really believe any of it. Most dont even know the beliefs. But when you show them that it isn't true, they don't deny it, they don't argue it, they don't shout "wow!" And ask for more information. They shrug it off and go to the next meeting and come back talking about who has been secretly dating who, which elder has been doing what etc etc.
when I was a JW I thought it was all true, like REALLY true. I don't think many JWs do..... Its just a hope, a religion, a routine.