JWs top the list of "most complained about charities" in UK

by dozy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy
  • BluesBrother

    The headline looks good but since only 13 complaints were received in two years, it is hardly earth shattering , since other respected charities have similar numbers.....Perhaps we ought to start complaining???

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    From this side of the pond, I can tell you that the agency in charge of receiving complaints is not beginning to do its job.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Cedar's would use that statistic to build his case the end of the Jehovah's Witness religion is near in the U.K. or maybe he has changed his ways of massaging the figures and now presents only the facts!

    Blues Brothers, good point about thirteen over two years, how many complaints were formed by ex-jws?

  • steve2
    It said it did not usually compile a list of most complained-about charities and had only done so in response to the FoI request.
    "The number of complaints received about a charity would not necessarily mean that that charity had acted wrongly or contrary to its charitable purpose,"in his response to the request.

    This makes an attention-grabbing headline in the "report", but it's hardly informative reporting in my opinion.

    We live in an age of complaints. Given the SPCA received 12, and the Watchtower Society only 1 more (13), I'd have to agree with the comment in the report that "the number of complaints...would not necessarily mean that that charity had acted wrongly...". As it stands and at a practical level, the report is useless. More relevant than the total number of complaints about a specified charity is the purpose of the complaints. For example, were they about corrupt practice such as fraud or embezzlement? Or were they about other matters. We do not know.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It depends on what form was sent to people to file their complaint. Internet reviews take a few seconds. When I want to action or to get even, I take great care to find out the law and the enforcement targets of the agency so I know which facts to highlight or minimize b/c they are irrelevant to the agency.

    This is why petitions are useless. Politicans know how much effort an Internet signature takes. Short, personal letters written in an authentic voice go far. Perhaps this agency is not letting the public know that they should file a complaint with the agency. Most government agencies do not want to hear from the public. There is a correlation between action from public officials and how soon their re-election campaign is slated. If they need my vote and my friends' votes, voila.

    This whole area makes me angry. Lawyers and other prof'ls know how to complain forefully and go to a higher level. Raising the matter with David Cameron is one idea. Normal people have no clue. This is not legal knowledge. It is slight arrogance taught in schools. If I knew how to teach it, I would.

    Your average newspaper or website probably receives more complaints than this agency.

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