Feeling low and maudlin today

by return of parakeet 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    I'm remembering all the vibrant and articulate posters who are no longer here, and I'm sad.

    Lady Lee, who has moved on to help others in need of her wisdom.

    Poor oompa and Dansk, two of the gentlest souls in this world.

    Little Toe, who's gone on to bigger and better things, but I still miss him.

    Gumby, who had to give us up. Remember his notorious 'nut-polishing' business?

    Hillary Step, a voice of sanity 'crying out in the wilderness.'

    AlanF, with his awesome reasoning abilities.

  • cofty

    To absent friends..

  • straightshooter

    Yes they and others are sorely missed. But we do have alot of new ones and some long-timers still on this wonderful forum.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    straightshooter: " But we do have alot of new ones and some long-timers still on this wonderful forum. "

    That's very true, SS. And thank goodness for them.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm only here about 2 years (plus lurking time), but I have seen some excellent posters come and go and have seen many whose posts have diminished (not gone completely).

    While I especially miss those who have made comments that were really pertinent to my situation, I have to hope that it means that they have been able to move on with their lives -- that finally, they have come to identify themselves as something more than just EX-JWs and other important things are taking up their lives. If that's the case, it's a good thing, I think.

    Fortunately, there are many others who seem dedicated to being here for the Newbie that braves their way in, scared to death, but lost and confused or beaten and bruised. They are just starting out on what will likely be a difficult and arduous jouney, that they likely cannot share with their closest friends or family. And no one else (besides a JW or former JW) can begin to empathize or understand. I hope they will always be able to find someone here to offer healing and understanding.


  • *lost*

    Doc -

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Return of Parakeet...I too miss "old" posters.

    I didn't think of this like High School when I first posted. You come in as Freshmen and after a while you are a Senior and are gone.

    I like to think of JWN as a world wide community of like minded people. We all have our own lives and agendas but can still come out and "play" with new friends and old. I am always sad to see long time posters stop. I would like them to treat us as family and "stop" in at least, every couple of months and to say hello. For some that are completely done with their past, I can understand, but the others might just need a little encouragement to post.

    I am not a drinker, but I raise my "Organic Green Tea" to all the long time posters that stay. <<<Picture that as a pretty tea cup with Green Tea in it.

    Just Lois

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    LoisLane, you reminded me with your green tea, that I have a green-tea-and-toasted-rice blend that makes a delicious brew. Just the right kind of drink for when I'm feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to make a cup now.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    You are most welcomed.

    Just Lois

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