I propose to TEST whether a RITUAL can produce a desired RESULT.
(We pray so that we can get a result, right?)
Try this experiment.
We are going to create a ritual and experimentally test the outcome.
Take 100 pennies and shake them up really well in your hands.
Now, you are going to take a sheet of paper and write either HEADS or TAILS on it. (Let's say "Tails")
Next, make up a really silly ritual such as rubbing an egg on your crotch and belching three times while saying aloud: TAILS, TAILS, TAILS.....
Then, Throw the pennies all at once on the carpet.
Now count the number of heads and the number of tails.
(TAILS REPRESENT SUCCESS heads represent failure. Of what? Of the RITUAL.)
The number of TAILS you get is statistically how many times the ritual you just performed REALLY WORKS!
40 Tails is 40% success. 45 Tails is 45%, etc. Your expected long-term outcome is 50%!!
Not bad, eh?
You see, you can make any damned stupid nonsensical rattle-brained activity meaningful when you attach it to a repetition and a desired outcome.
40% ain't bad.
Question is this: NOW DO YOU GET IT?
Whether you pray for something to happen or perform any ritual to bring it about know this:
As long as your expected outcome is somehow possible it would be impossible for it to NEVER happen after you perform your ritual.
The SELF-FRAUD is believing you MADE it happen with your ritual.
When you look (actively) for patterns you find patterns.
How you fit them into a meaning is religion. (Or, Witchcraft....or anything else).
Rituals appeal to a certain personality type. (Verging on the obsessive.)
Rituals that purport to grant power fill a need. (Especially when you are powerless.)
It would be statistically impossible for a ritual to NEVER work!
Why would Native Americans dance for rain......if rain never came after dancing.....eventually?