Old literature

by darklight 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • darklight

    How easy would it be for a "student" to get hold of expired literature thru JWs trying to get you into the truth, under normal circumstances?

    Today I got hold of "the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures" just by asking,

    (no not really)

    I emailed a scanned copy via email requesting a real copy...they refused to open the scanned copy, but within days i got the real deal heh.

    What other interresting books could I ask for?

    Edit: the version i received is the 1969 version.

  • NeonMadman

    The KIT isn't "old literature" in the sense of being discontinued and out of print. It's still in print and can be obtained from the WTS. Theoretically, you should be able to request it from local JWs and receive a copy. The 1969 version is a bit of a score, though, since it was revised in 1985.

    Generally, local JWs won't be much help in getting out-of-print literature, unless, of course, the local congregation is overstocked.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I had tons of Russell and Rutherford crap. We could not get rid of it soon enough. I imagine most academic libraries of universities and world cities have copies of old literature for American religious history study. Columbia Univ. profs said it was very hard to locate old lit b/c the WT burns it. The Internet changed all this.

    The problem is that mere interest would indicate that one was an apostate. What legitimate purpose could reading or locating actual copies serve? The WT tells you what to think about everything. If the WT doesn't tell you, it did not happen. It is so Orwellian.

    I noted very high prices for items discarded by born-in families at apostate sites. My suggestion is to try a regular book store or place an ad in the New Yorker. My orange Paradise Lost book was almost $150. at a niche site and only $1. at Amazon.

    If seeing older lit would change your mind, you most likely are not interested in the Witnesses.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If they think you are a genuinely interested potential convert you might have them dump thousands of dollars worth of old litteratrash into your library.

    If they think you are an APOSTATE they will steal thousands of dollars worth of old litteratrash from your personal library and chuck it into recycling bins so that the words from under Jehovah's bushel can be turned into egg cartons.

  • villagegirl

    I have a couple of old books one by Russel with all the Pyramids

    and the sign of ISUS on the cover. I am not throwing it out

    since some people don't believe it even exists, and this is the

    real original 100 years old book. I could scan it and post

    something out of it, but what ? Its is full of weird stuff

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    " very hard to locate old lit b/c the WT burns it."

    Taken straight from George Orwell's 1984.

  • darklight

    A book i would like to read is


    I've seached for it on this forum, and the internet, but all links are down....

    (I think the best for me, right now,is to not ask too many freak questions. the people that have studied with me, really want to get me baptised, and I want to keep my good standing, so I can keep going deeper into this.)

    ...I know there's a scanned copy somewhere--- I would realy appreciate if someone have this in pdf and could upload it again.

    And btw, I am not a JW, never will be. My main interrest in this religion (org) is the fascination that it still exists, and my goal is to ultimatively help the victims in my country...once I'm prepared to do so.

  • blondie
  • darklight

    blondie: I already have the 1985 as pdf, and the 1969 version as book, but thanks anyways

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