As many of you know I am a healthcare professional. I am so tired of the antics and fiscal shenanigans of hospital CEO and their ilk. It is compromising my ability to adequately take care of my patients. It is a widespread problem throughout the healthcare system. One of the hospitals that i have to see my patients at has a particularly corrupt administration. Please read and tell your friends I do not know how much longer I can keep providing care in this type of atmosphere. It has gotten so bad, that at several of the hospitals that i treat at, no longer can afford to purchase the necessary supplies to treat patients.
Tired of my profession
by recovering 6 Replies latest social current
I read the article, that is truly sad. We have a hospital here that is in financial trouble. It serves an area with a lot of lower income patients. What do you see as a solution?
One of the solutions I see is accountability by senior hospital administrators. They need to be healthcare professionals first, then perhaps get financial degrees/training. This would go a long way to ensure that the patient is of paramount importance. I think that we need to return to a system which promotes more generalizationand less specialization . This is true not only for hospitals it is true of healthcare providers. I could go on and on ....
Oh I hear ya recovering. I've worked at many a hospitals as a psy social worker in the inner city of Detroit. War zone, and yet we can't get any accountability even from the mayor's office. Staffing would be so low they'd have me on standby for chest compressions and I'm just a social worker.
Third world country status is coming.
Band on the Run
Hospital administrators and government employees should be held to stricter codes of responsibility. Let them act the way ordinary Americans do. Social welfare agencies tend to allow any horrid thing b/c it is social welfare.
Let them attend real life corporate boot camp to learn professional responsibility.
As a patient, I've seen poor West Va. hospitals offer excellent care and adequately funded Northern hospitals that were atrocious. Someone at the top must set the tone.
Also, I am forever shocked at how some nurses and doctors can work so hard when their colleagues are lazy bums.
Band on the run. It is common knoweledge among healthcare professionals that the care given at smaller community hospitals is often superior to that recieved in larger university based hospitals. The larger university hospitals are very good at diagnosing difficult cases, however for hands on nursing care smaller comunity hospitals win hands down.