This was definately a WTF moment when I read this:
The worst suggestion for the prevention of pedophilia. Make it legal
by wha happened? 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This idiot needs to read up on history. The AOC was 13 and the horrors that it covered were legion. It was a brave Salvation Army feller who made the British government change the AOC to 16.
Oh, look...... a steady stream of exposure that goes up the ladder of governance in the UK and then suddenly, out of nowhere....
A vile, pervy lawyer suggests that we're persecuting child molesters. What a coincidence!
Really? Tell me how taking a conspiratorial view of governments is wrong. I see an elite starting to panic because these degenerates are in high station and there's fear of being 'ratted out'.
While the phrase age of consent rarely appears in legal statutes, when used in
relation to sexual activity, the age of consent is the minimum age at which a
person is considered to be legally competent to consent to sexual acts. It
should not be confused with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility,
the marriageable age, the voting age, the drinking age, driving age, or other
purposes. Laws vary widely, and while most jurisdictions set the age of consent
in the range 14 to 18, ages of consent as low as 12 and as high as 21 exist. -
Really? Tell me how taking a conspiratorial view of governments is wrong. I see an elite starting to panic because these degenerates are in high station and there's fear of being 'ratted out'.
I really think that 16 is too young for "age of consent" - 18 is plenty young enough.
I am with you on that James, though looking back at my early teens, I could have been in trouble for what I got up to with girls of my age I guess, long before I was 18.
So, being biased, I feel there is good reason why the law rarely takes action, or even interest, in consensual stuff between under age contempories, but the vulnerable need to be protected from predators who are Paedophiles not interested in true consent, just perverted gratification.
women are equally capable of inflicting abuses every bit as efffectively as men. make no mistake about that. (e.g Fred and Rose west)
when are people in society going to take off their blinders of control and wake up to what is really going on (behind the scenes).
Any one that doesn't think or believe that there are a lot of 'top end' players, the 'elite' who are very active in these activities which we find abhorrent, are seriously deluded.
We, who talk about these things, and share the knowledge, have been saying for years, the only reasons the laws are so mild, is that at the going from the top, all the way down to the bottom, these people are actively involved.
But when it comes down to money, the full rigours of the law are enforced.
Everyone is so busy 'bashing' conspiracy theories, they don't take the time to look into why those conspiracy theories are there in the first place.
still thinking
Everyone is so busy 'bashing' conspiracy theories, they don't take the time to look into why those conspiracy theories are there in the first place...*lost*