I need BOE letter 3/3/09 about regular pioneer applicants

by jwstudy 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jwstudy

    I read 2011 version of "BOE letter index" and found that [BOE letter 3/3/09] was

    related to "CHILD ABUSE" and "regular pioneer applicants".

    Then I searched [BOE letter 3/3/09], But I could not find that letter.

    I found the thread on this forum and it said that the pioneer application

    procedure was somewhat changed in 2009 to minimize the responsibility of

    the society branch.

    Anyone can point out the exact phrase what BOE actually said?

    I want to know what was said about child abuse AND pioneer applicants in the letter.

    Some Japanese witnesses believe that child sexual abuse by JW elders happened only

    in the apostates brain. I read that one JW said even Candice Conti Case did

    not really exists. For them, apostates comments are all lies.

    I need to explain them by using BOE letters and reliable court transcrpts.

    So I need exact wording of the BOE letter.

    I hope some of you have the letter.

    I read these..



    jwstudy Japan
  • jwleaks

    Body of Elders letters can be downloaded in PDF via the following link:


    Documents and Court Records relating to "Candace Conti v Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York", including jury transcripts as well as the most latest court action (Watchtower Appeal) can be downloaded from here:



  • committeechairman

    What the letter says about child abuse is in the postscript of the letter and addresses the situation where an applicant for regular pioneer service answers yes to this question on the application:

    "7. Have you ever engaged in sexual child molestation? If so, when? (See The Watchtower, January 1, 1997, pages 26-29, and February 1, 1997, page 29.)"

    In which case these instructions applied:

    "If the applicant has marked “yes” to the question, “Have you ever engaged in sexual child molestation?” and this is the first time the elders have learned of the abuse, please contact
    the Legal Department as outlined in the letters dated July 1, 1989, and February 15, 2002, to all bodies of elders. Also, please review The Watchtower, January 1, 1997, pages 26-29
    and February 1, 1997, page 29. Thereafter, if the elders wish to appoint the individual as a regular pioneer, they need to send the application, along with a letter explaining the situation, in the postal mail to the branch office. Please wait for a response from the branch office before announcing the appointment."

  • jwstudy

    Thank you jwleaks! documents are wonderfull !!

    Tnank you committeechairman for quoting exact words!

    This is exactly what I needed !


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