In thinking about my own life, I think I can safely trace most of my excluded outcast childhood to Jesus words in the bible to: "remain no part of the world". Sure the WTS in their legalistic thinking probably mis-applied this text, but it's still a prominent belief for other groups like the Amish too.
No doubt many of us ex witnesses have issues with our childhood, who doesn't, right? Still, that admonition from jesus in my opinion has so much wrong with it. It implies that followers are superior to those that don't follow, it has the effect of making one feel at odds within the context of humanity around them, because the "others" are marked for destruction anyways.
What are your thoughts, why is this good advice or not? What does it really mean? Should it be ignored or vigorously applied?
P.S. I'm not looking to start an argument, I just think this admonition is an interesting one on many levels, and i'm curious how others reconcile it in their own life.