Been away visiting a friend who is very sick, they are scared they are going to die and worried and afraid they committed the Unforgiveable Sin.
How come it does not surprise me many of their friends at the Kingdom Hall stopped calling this high performing former Pioneer and Ministerial Servant? Over the last six months he asked to be taken off the list for responsibilities and asked for consideration to battle with a relentless disease that will not go away. The friends at the Kingdom Hall were the first people he socialized with who stopped checking up on him, "out of sight equals out of mind?" My heart was not able to go into a long spew how bad things really are, we must learn to know when it's the time to speak of certain subjects and a time to focus on our friends enduring some bad health problems. (Ecl 3:7)
"A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak."
I know the reason why people are quickly forgotten but it's hard to make excuses for those with hearts still tied to the Organization and I do not want to kill hope for a man with cancer. If his faith in the Organization make's him feel they have some certain power to help him, who am I to destroy his faith? The second thing that troubles me is he think's he committed "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" because of horrible thoughts racing through his head, one area many of the good friends "former elders, ex-ministerial servants and their wives" with unconditional love have is a gift to allow their brothers and sisters to speak what is in their hearts and mind and soul. So, not only is he worried about cancer he battles the thought he has committted "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" from the irrational thoughts plaguing this brother. How do we help the brothers and sisters who think they have destroyed their relationship with our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Father Jehovah God?
Missing Meetings and Field Service is causing relentless panick attacks, stress and sleepless nights, I used the Bible and I am doing my best to comfort this brother but I feel I am failing. He is being seen by professional help, my time at night has been talking with him, trying to get him to fall asleep even if it's making me tired by lack of sleep. I am not as young as I use to be, my mind not as swift to the enemy's attacks to make people feel worthless, if any of you had a "Health Scare" how did you battle this and did you fear you would die?
What type of social structure to cheer you up and keep your mind focused on the battle did you have? Did the Friends at the Kingdom Hall provide you while you were in the Organization with comfort and a possitive outlook, or did some hint this illness might be something you contacted because you were not performing at 500% for the Organization and your local brothers and sisters? Thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope you can provide me with some better ideas to comfort him.