A JW Mentioned On The Executed Today Site
by Bangalore 4 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting site. Recalling what another poster said, this man died as a representative of an organization that no longer exists. He died for God and Jesus.
This man died for standing up for God and Christ, and I admire him and others like him.
I do wish that writers of articles like this would make the distinction that the religion was not called 'Jehovah's Witnesses' until 1931. For instance the referenced article states:
Kusserow had actually been born Lutheran, but his parents became Jehovah’s Witnesses after World War I and raised their eleven children in the faith.
This is of course not accurate, as they would have become Bible Students at that time.
But in stead of playing with workds, one should perhaps honour his memory, pay respect to this young man who paid the highest price for his conviction and his refusal to obey the command of Thou shalt not kill?
I quit!
There is a misconception that Jehovah's Witnessses don't go war because they are pacifist. They don't to war because the the Watchtower tells them not to join the military. They just do whatever the Watchtower tells them to. They have no problem with all the wars and killing done in the Bible in the name of God because the Watchtower tells them it was ok. Do Jehovah's Witnesses even understand this?