I need help from an expert in latin, please

by EdenOne 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • EdenOne

    I'm writing an article and I would like to ask for the help of someone with good knowledge of Latin for a quick review of one sentence.

    If you can help me out, it'll be much appreciated.


  • Phizzy

    Yes, the phrase "Noli nothis permittere te terere" does roughly translate as "Don't let the bastards grind you down", the more familiar "Nil Illigitimi carborundum" is Cod Latin.

    Only joshing, Eden One, I hope you find your expert to help.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    What's the sentence? I use a very useful translation website, maybe it will help you. You just have to put the 2 languages you want in the boxes and type in your phrase


  • EdenOne

    LOL Phizzy

    I just need someone to review a sentence I constructed in Latin and see if it's correctly constructed and conveys the idea I want to express, that's all.

    I natively speak a latin-based language, so it's not completely foreign to me, but in any case, I'd appreciate an expert's opinion on it.

    NE, I tried the Google Translator approach but it left me with doubts.

    If you think you can help, PM me please.


  • NeverKnew

    My daughter had 7 years of Latin and blew away the IP Latin test. Unfortunately, she's 3 years out from that. PM me if you want an opinion from her. :)

    She may recall some of the rules. They're baffling to me.

  • EdenOne

    Never Knew, you got mail :)


  • NeverKnew


    I have comments that are WAY over my head. E-mail me! :)

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