About 28-30 of us there for two hours at the Phoenix Library. Alot of personal experiences of those being raised JWs and experiencing shunning! It was filmed but sensitivity was certainly given for those there, were several there, who could not be filmed because of JW family yet. There were tears of empathy and understanding. There was also much joy in gathering together and expressions of support to others there that are enduring heartbreak because of JW shunning. There was a wholesome sharing of humor that only ex-JWs would understand.
Kathleen Conti came also and what a wonderful mom of a wonderful daughter!! Others there, one that have written books, or another with experience even talking to the media.
Actually a lot of energy was displayed and strengthening. The purpose indicated sincere support for ones leaving JWs and giving awareness about the facts of the Watchtower's primary most hateful behaviors.