Today's Watchtower

by piztjw 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • piztjw

    So I see that once again the jw's are being told that if you or a family member have been wronged it is all in your mind. You only "think" your family member was wronged.

    You must not stand up for family, you must not take their side in a dispute, and you really should just let yourself and your family be shat upon.

    This is getting sicker by the minute. Any other observations or thoughts?

  • BU2B

    And its always a "percieved" wrong, or a imagined injustice! It really is insulting. Even the hardcore dubs are furtrated by this. Thats their version of a spiritual paradise. Thats how they have peace and unity, if you get screwed over, just take it and suffer through it, after all its just your perception, its all in your head!

    They are Gaslighting the JWs

  • Tameria2001

    Once I had a JW tell me that I was being selfish because I did not want to live forever. I told him that it was not living forever that bother me, it was living with and being told what to do by a bunch of JWs, and having to endure that forever. That to me would be like living in hell for all eternity.

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