Why can't JW's and Born-Again Christians just talk about non-biblical things?

by booker-t 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • booker-t

    I called an old friend of mine the other day who is an ex-jws and now a devout born again christian. I was just calling him to say hello because it has been about a year since we last talked and before I could say "Hi Carl" every other word was "Jesus"" Jesus" "Jesus" "Jesus". I could not get in a word edge wise without him blasting me with "Jesus this" and "Jesus that". I just don't understand why JWs and BACs(born again christians) cannot simply just talk without bringing religion or the bible into the picture. Everything has to be about God, Jesus, Jehovah, or "end of the world". I am sick of it. I was simply calling my friend to say hello. I noticed ex-jws that convert to "born agains" are the worst. They become exactly what they complain the WT was to them if you don't believe in Jesus then you are going to hell mentality. I told my friend Carl lose my number and I will lose his. I am tired of the religious mumble jumbo. I will always believe in Jehovah and Jesus and try to live a good life but church and religion is just not on my plate anymore and I am so much happier now. I respect all people and they can believe whatever they want but just don't try and force me to believe it.

  • mrsjones5


  • Hortensia

    Because they are programmed to do so.

    Because it's a form of "I'm holier than you are."

    Because their minds are empty and they couldn't think an original thought if it would save their lives.

    Because they are desperate, trying harder and harder to be righteous, and yet still not happy and still afraid they won't measure up.

  • Satanus

    ' I noticed ex-jws that convert to "born agains" are the worst. '

    I was w the born again pentles for 2 yrs, right after exiting the wt. Going by my experience there, i would say that they feel that now, FINALLY, they have found the true christianity. The born again pentacostals are the closest to christianity as its described in acts.

    I wasn't like your 'friend', i use that term loosely, though. Its too bad that they can't settle down.


  • 5go

    Without reading anything you said I can some it up with "It's against their religion to talk about anything else, no really!"

  • LouBelle

    I think it's because most of their life is consumed with this stuff. I enjoy talking about god/the lack of god - I find it hearty debate, but I don't have to talk about with everyone, I speak to those that want to have a discussion. You've got to balance things.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    My list of Born-Again Christian friends is growing and we spend plenty of time not speaking of these subjects because we enjoy so many other interest and hobbies!

    Golf, Tennis, Running, Botany, Sci-Fy, Movies, Fishing, Camping, ect.............

    We are growing together without the anti-friendly attitude the WT taught us to hold towards any one who is not a JW!

  • unstopableravens

    lol, not true at all, maybe some but not all

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