Movie trivia: Same actor, same role twice ?

by Simon 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Simon

    Can you name at least 2 actors/actresses who have played the same character in the same film TWICE.

    It doesn't have to be the same film title but it must be the same character role.

    There are quite a few where the original star of a movie has played a different role in a leter remake (eg. Cape Fear) but hoe many have got to make the same film again??

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Sean Connery played Bond in 2 versions of "Thunderball".
    The second version was called "Never say never again".
    Probably Desmond Lewellyn,(Q) same thing, same films.

  • funkyderek

    Gerard Depardieu played the same character in the French and American versions of "My Father the Hero"
    Penelope Cruz played the same character in the Spanish "Abre los ojos" (Open Your Eyes) and the American remake "Vanilla Sky".

    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

  • Simon

    damn ... you're quick!

    I was thinking of Sean Connery and Penelope Cruz - hadn't thought of Desmond Lewellyn though so I guess it's three!

    I'll have to think of something harder next time ... how about "what number am I thinking of?"

  • funkyderek

    Also, Jean Reno played the same character (although with a different name) in the French comedy "Les Visiteurs" and the painful American remake "Just Visiting".

    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

  • Naeblis

    What have I got in my pocket?

  • Scully

    oops... I mis-read the question... mea culpa mea culpa

    This is what happens when you check the board BEFORE you've had coffee.

    Love, Scully

  • plmkrzy

    Do really old movies count?
    What about John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn In True Grit and then he played the same character in "Rooster cogburn and the lady" with Katherine Hepburn.

    John Wayne also played the same character twice in the same movie that was done twice. "El Dorado" with James caan and Robert mitchim
    Then the movie was re-done as 'Rio Bravo" same characters all played by different actors Except John Wayne. Ricky Nelson played James caan's part and Dean Martin played Robert Mitchim's part.

    No matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides

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