To keep friends with some of my family, I had to expose myself to chronic alcoholics and watch filthy movies they enjoyed.
To keep my JW family happy, I had to pretend I was stupid and watch my vocabulary. I had to hide the fact I was working on a advanced degree because it showed I had a lack of faith.
To make my JW Family happy, I had to tell them how bad things were and pretend I was broke, nobody in my group of friends like to hear a "good report' and they enjoyed feeling they were better off than me. I never told them when I blew past seven figures consistently because it would have made them hate me. I had to create the illusion I was poor and never could I speak of things they did not understand, why? They would accuse me of loving the World and not putting all my faith in the Organization (Jehovah).
Can you top this? What lies did you telll to keep your miserable family (or close friends if you like) to keep them in this lonely religion?