Have you ever took cooking classes? Where did you take them? Did you enjoy it?

by Iamallcool 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    Publix? Whole Foods? etc......

  • talesin

    I write a cooking column for a monthly newsletter, and no, haven't taken any courses, but have LOOKED at a lot, and had friends who have taken some, including French Cooking and Mediterranean (Lebanese).

    My suggestion would be that the ones at the grocery stores, appear to be mostly promotional, or put on by well-intententioned 'dietiticians'.

    I don't know how it works in your community, but here, we have courses offered at the high schools and community colleges, in the evenings, that are really good. They are personal offerings ... from talented people, and the costs are minimal. Maybe $50 for one evening a week, for the term, plus food costs.

    Taking a course would be a lot of fun, imho. I was thinking of doing a 'bread-making' tutorial at the local supermarket myself, for free ... so, DO check the Whole Foods, etc. - there may be something you're interested in. :))

    Whatever you chooose .... Enjoy~!



  • TD

    Yes. A culinary program at a nearby community college.

  • bsmart

    Many community colleges have culinary arts classes... meant to educate cooks and restaurant staff for the local eaterys. In my town there is a small sit down restaurant in the college. They serve about 10 tables (white tablecloth and flowers). Love the meals, but it can be a long wait, everything has to pass inspection by the chef and it is delish.

    Last week they had surf & turf. It was finals for the students. The students learn a lot. Our complete meal for two was under $22.00.

  • ShirleyW

    smh . .

  • talesin

    and yet another unproductive and negative comment from ShirleyW ...............

    Don't contribute - just be a downer ... that's your style .....

    It's obvious that you have zeroed in on Iamallcool as your bullying victim .... you CONSTANTLY post on his threads to criticize and ridicule him .

    doesn't NYC provide ENOUGH entertainment for you?

    Shirly, I feel bad for you,, you seem to have such a negative viewpoint. :(

    Try to lighten up a bit, and pick on SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE................

    try this!




  • EntirelyPossible

    Don't take a class that teaches you how to cook specific meals, takes one that teaches you why certain meals work and about the culinary arts.

  • ShirleyW

    . . . and your point is ?

  • fakesmile

    trial and error. i found what works best is fire and red meat. i have dug a hole and set fire in it, put a metal or twig grill over it and cooked a squirell and dove. best improvised que i can recall. serve with lone star beer. 4 star redneck cuisine.

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