Watchtower thanks Apostates

by zound 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zound

    Small thing I noticed in the blanket UN statement the Society always says.

    "When we realised this, we immediately withdrew our registration. We are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention."

    They're grateful it was brought to their attention.

    Who are they grateful to?

    Exert from the Guardian article by Stephen Bates - "Disaffected members of the 6m-strong group, which has 130,000 followers in the UK, have accused the Witnesses' elderly governing body of hypocrisy in secretly accepting links with an organisation that they continue to denounce in apocalyptic terms."

    Disaffected members - aka - apostates, brought it to their attention.

    Funny that...
    When I loving try bringing to their attention other areas that are confilcting with their own beliefs they don't seem to be all that grateful.

  • brinjen

    Standard corporate diplomacy response. "Oh you caught us? Thanks for letting us know!"

  • steve2

    There is nothing quite so stiffly polite - and suppressedly insincere - as corporate acknowledgements. "We thank you for your feedback and, in particular, for drawing our attention to your view that we are a bunch of ar*eholes."

  • zound

    Actually, it reminds of the AAWA apology thing quite a bit.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Ha , nicely spotted!

  • Vanderhoven7


  • notjustyet

    Good catch,..


  • sir82

    The WTS thanks its opposers more often than its supporters.

    One vs. zero.

  • Ding
    "When we realised this, we immediately withdrew our registration. We are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention."

    Like they somehow inadvertently got involved with the UN, whom they consider to be Satan's organization.

    Sure, happens to me all the time...

  • steve2

    Criminal caught red-handed robbing a bank:

    "When I realized this, I immediately relinquished the sack of money. I am grateful that this matter was brought to my attention by the law enforcement officers".

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