So, I'm a huge Dan Brown fan, well was, I mean I still am, but I'm studying for my B.A.- English Literature, and after realizing that a good book need not have a dead body, or a cop my views on good, and entertaining literature has changed drastically. That even goes for the WT literature, which I view as propaganda, mytholgy and––well you get the picture. Anyway, I am excited for this book. Dan Brown deosn't exactly enrich the soul, or serve anything outside of the context of the writing, but he does tell one hell of thriller. Sort of anyway. His last book was so good, I could only read one page a day, literaly. Geez I am so hoping this one is better, but from what I'm hearing the critic say about it, my hopes have been deflated. Why am I writing this? Oh yeah, Dante. So, Dante wrote Inferno because he was pissed off the Pope who had him exiled, and in return no one really knows much about the man of God, but Donte's words are studied, examined, and bastardized down to this day. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, use creativity to get back at the Organization that has exiled you from from family and friend. Create a world and put the GB in the center where the sun don't shine. Use God given talent, to use as a mirror to show how tyranical these men are towards people who love God, and see what happens. Sucess is the best revenge! Now, I'm getting back to the renowned author's story about a sturdy intellect.
New Dan Brown BookInferno
by MTSman 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have written such a book.