Someone posted this on Facebook and I found the image and words haunting.
Matthew 6:26
by ozbrad 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Julia Orwell
Gosh you'd get called an apostate if you put that on your page. Even though it's true.
Cold Steel
The Lord, in the creation process, does take care of both animals and people by providing food and water. But He also will not and, in fact, can not, rob man of his free agency. As we are, we are fallen and subject to evil. Most of the people starving in Africa and other third world nations, are doing so not because of weather conditions, but corrupt governments who let it happen. In countless cases, people cause the evil that come upon others. The United States and numerous charaties give food, clean water, clothing and education to those who need them. But in many countries, such aid ends up on the black market or in warehouses rotting.
In Zimbabwe, black robbers sponsored by the government invaded white owned farms, many times raping and murdering the farmers and their families. Then, instead of running the farms themselves, they sat on the property and preyed on their own people. Know what happened? Large, lush areas of land in that country went from being green in satellite photos to being brown. Dust storms kicked up and caused other climate problems and the government, not able to feed its people, called on the U.S. and other countries and we were stupid enough to provide it. Then the Zimbabwe government removed the labels from the goods and slapped on their own labels; then they let most of the foodstuffs rot and they sold what they could. And oh yes, the political leaders of that foul state ate like kings.
In North Korea and Cuba, U.S. sanctions actually cause hunger and poverty. Truman kept MacArthur from winning the Korean War and brokered a very ill-advised peace through Gen. Ridgeway. This directly led to the idiocy in which we conducted the Vietnam War and is the reason the North Koreans never acknowledged that the war was over. To them, it's still on. Then Castro screwed us in Cuba and the people who should have known better got pissed off and voted sanctions against it. Never mind that political conservatives nationwide fully knew Castro was a communist; it escaped the combined wisdom of the entire Eisenhower administration. We could turn them away from communism by turning them into capitalists, but politicians and neocons would rather get revenge through sanctions.
Anyway, when it seems so simple that God is to blame, look again. The Devil is in the details, literally. And God will not, and can not, destroy man's free agency. Remember, too, that God sees things from a different perspective. A human soul is eternal, having no end. Regardless of how man suffers, whether from cancer or starvation, he leaves behind a corrupt body and, because of Christ, inherits a perfect, incorruptible body. It doesn't make it easier in the here and now, but one day man will see everything in its proper context.
They are too stupid and influenced by religion that tells them to have lots of kids when they can barely feed themselves.
@ Cold Steel
The difference between me and your god is that if I saw a child being raped I would do something about it.
Cold Steel If God can not and will not destroy man's free agency, then he can not and will not ever destroy the wicked and make the earth a better place, because that would be destroying the free agency of those wicked men (and women).
Cold Steel
Man is currently in a state of probation. When he sins there is no immediate justice because it's set aside. Man is given time to repent, collectively. God doesn't rob man of free agency when He destroys a wicked society. He allows man to resist and never destroys a society until its been warned through prophets. Destruction is a consequence, not force. Wickedness leads to suffering, and when the wicked rule people, the people will suffer. Like the child in the poster above, such suffering is most often caused by wickedness.
People may think they know better than God in declaring what they would do or wouldn't do if they were He; however, they aren't God and they don't know what God knows. Even though he's omnipotent, all knowing, He does have limitations. To bring about the Atonement, He was unable to remove the bitter cup from His Son because there was no other way to satisfy the demands of justice. So unless someone knows what God knows, they don't know what they would do in any given situation.
Strange how the more religious a country the shittier it is. This has been true for all of history and is true today.