Ok the term I can best describe myself is a "neutral witness". Im neuteral in the sence that i know there are points that they are clearly wrong on, but just go along with it anyway because it the easier course of action. I am fully a wear that things aren't the best, but like a bad marriage i just put up with it, do the best I can with the circumstances i find myself in, and hope things will improve, although they know deep down they won't.
Anyway that aside. What I want to talk about is just how in the dark the dubbies really are with what mother organisation is up to. For example with the offer this month of doing tracts, the brother doing the part said "that because of the tracts been smaller this helps with translation". Man I just wanted to scream at him "they ain't got the finances to do it". The man who made this comment I would describe him as been a smart astute business man, but when it come to putting 2 & 2 together really just had no idea.
it would be interesting to ask those in the congregation to raise there hands who knew about issues currently facing the WTBTS e.g child abuse, sell offs, down sizing, member retention etc. I would guess the vast majority wouldn't have the foggiest idea. What saddens me is up until about 2 years ago I probably would of been one of them.