A wife who forgives her husband for beating her preserves the marriage. But, forgiveness doesn't solve the real problem.
A victim of molestation who forgives the molester earns our awe eases their burden of anger, but, once again it doesn't solve the real problem.
For thousands of years mankind approached God for pardon for various sins, crimes, misdemeanors and--through rituals of sacrifice actually obtained forgiveness.
But, forgiveness didn't solve the REAL problems and it resulted in the deaths of millions of animals.
Inefficient and not very accurate.
Before we put our finger on the REAL problems let us examine what price we pay for NOT addressing the REAL problems.
An analogy first:
If your roof is leaking while it is raining and you place various pots and pans and buckets under the leaks you prevent damage to your floor, mildew, rot and water damage. So, by analogy, putting buckets under a leaking roof is like "forgiveness".
The damage is temporarily abated but the SOURCE of future damage had not be addressed: the hole in your roof!
How do we identify the REAL problem that needs to be solved with humans and their bad behavior IF:
Forgiveness is a smile at the wife beater and a pat on the back to the molester?
CHRISTIANITY is obsessed with smiing at the wife beater and patting molesters on their back and not losing the relationship with them.
i.e. SALVATION for the bad guy! After all, we sure don't want to lose the bad guys, do we? No.
Why don't we want to lose the bad guys? Christianity convinces us we are ALL equally bad. So, don't you be judging!
What Christianity does is REDEFINE the meaning of "bad guy" into "potentially forgiven sinner."
So, how's that workin' out? Hmmmm?
Adam and Eve, (had they been put to death) would not have produced billions of wife beaters, child molesters, murderers, rapists, terrorists, sadists and various limitless bastards of malevolence.
Can we agree on that?
The immediate execution of the failed human pair would have solved THAT problem.
God did NOT immediately execute them.
Now, instead of containing the contagion, God allowed it to spread, multiply and run riot for a few thousand years.
Adam died just about the time Noah would be born. Remember NOAH? Yeah, sure you do!
Let's move very slowly....
God allowed contagion to spread so that...He could just turn around and WIPE THEM ALL OUT (except for Noah and family.)
Since Noah preached and warned to no avail for 120 years and everybody drowned anyway we pause to ask:
Here is where you and I get into a fist fight in the streets. You cannot and will not accept what comes next. So, go sit in a corner AND THINK
before you move on and really consider what's been said up to this point.
God didn't JUST have a "problem" with humans. Nope. God also had problems in heaven. Yep.
No human imperfection to be blamed there!
Spirit beings have exercised the option to piss God off, too!
Wherever we see or read about or hear stories of something or someone God has created there are strong warnings of FAILURE of the peace!
The blame game ensues. Red flags are tossed on the playing field. Arguments are made. Apologia ensues. Books are written and prayers are
sent heavenward. But, the REAL PROBLEM doesn't ever get solved.
Should we blame the rain? Should we blame the hole in the roof?
Should we blame the builder, the roofer, the shingle manufacturer?
The Wife Beater doesn't go to Wife Beater school and the child molester doesn't receive a diploma for credits earned. The malefactors in human society are part of the Bell Curve of possibilities in human behavior.
On one end of that curve we have the saintly, prim, proper, benevolent, good-hearted, naturally happy people we are all glad to be around.
On the other end we have the sociopaths, serial killers, psychopathic tyrants and bloodthirsty haters hellbent on destruction and chaos.
Somewhere in the middle are most of the rest of us.
Because the infinite variety of human characteristics, traits, behaviors and natures ARE POSSIBLE. Onlly the possible ever happens, you see.
It has become necessary for each religious denomination, sect, cult or belief system to convince whomever will allow themselves to be convinced--
that you only need to worry about the SALVATION end of it. That is the chief sales pitch.
Jehovah's Witnesses use the "Limited time only Going Out of Business" tactic: Armageddon or Bust.
Mainstream Christianity sticks with "Accept Jesus and Get Saved".
Yet, none of these sales schemes ever really addresses the REAL PROBLEM.
Humans don't possess any mind other than their own mind and that can never be the Mind of God.
Were it to occur---they would cease being humans.
So, why did God bother creating humans when all he really wanted was more of HIMSELF?