I had an expensive pen I carried with me at work, It had sentamental value because I purchased it with my wife in Venice after a tortuous attempt to find a store that carried fine pens. Last year it went missing, I was mortified that it just dissapeared and painstakingly retraced everything I did the previous day. I concluded it got left on the table at a business lunch I had the day before. Couldnt imagine how, but what else could it be.
I called the restaraunt and even put up ads in the lost and founds with a reward. Nothing.
Fast forward to yesterday, one of my employee's melted down and had to be terminated at the end of the day. The desk was being cleaned out and boxed up and what was in the desk, MY PEN and ANOTHER expensive fountain pen of another employee that had simply dissapeared.
Nothing surprises me about people anymore, but I HATE THIEVES! Glad to get my pen back!!!