Strategy to strike Watchtower

by zound 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zound

    The so called celebrity JW's:

    Prince, Serina Williams, Terrance Howard.
    Though you and I know they're 'token' JW's considering the life they live.

    Here's my plan -

    Why not focus effort on getting the TATT to them?

    Though they are not under the spell or control of the Watchtower Society, if they were to realise of the atrocities committed by the Society and that it is really a big mind control cult - then from their celebrity status platform they can really make some noise, and denounce the Watchtower - and chances are the rank and file JW's would at the very least pay attention to what they say - as there would be some major cog dis going on - these are not some shady, faceless apostates - these are the William Sisters, or Prince.

    Celebrity apostates could make quite an impact on Rank and File and also to the general publics viewpoint as to what kind of religion the JW's are.

    Target getting the TATT to just these couple of people and it may have a big knock on effect.

  • rebel8

    I was around for the Michael Jackson thing and him leaving did nothing but strengthen their faith and reinforce their delusions about The World being a terribly dangerous and Satanic place.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would give up on the idea of "striking" WT.

    Just planting the seeds one disgruntled JW at a time brings results.

    I believe that the JW has to have something happen to them personally that causes them to question The Truth(TM).

    All the negative (apostate) information will run off of a content, happy, faithful rank & file JW like water on a duck.

    But once something happens that starts the disillusionment, the seeds will begin to take root & grow.

    ALL the info is easily available today and the click of the mouse. They have to want to see it.

    When they first see it, they still won't believe it. It is a gradual process.

    Since The End has been delayed (via the overlapping generation) there is plenty of time for many more to wake up to TTATT.


  • LostGeneration

    I think celebrity apostates have too many "image" concerns. They don't want to be seen as some crazed, bug-eyed, apostate to the world at large. Most of them also aren't held to the same JW standards like the R&F, I mean isn't Prince still dressing and acting like he always has?

    They would simply leave, and probably not have many consequences for doing so. I don't think the williams sisters are even baptized.

    DOC makes good points. It happens one at a time, if the UN thing didn't cause a mass exit, nothing will.

    You have to remember every JW is tied down to the religion in several ways, not just one. Few are willing to lose position, family, friends, sometimes jobs, just because of some silly wacked out doctrines.

  • whathappened

    That would work if you were dealing with rational people, but we are deling with cult members.

    When I was in, I never believed MJ, SW or Prince were good Witnesses any way and didn't expect them to stay in for the long haul.

    That being said, there still has to be a way to bring this evil organization down, we just need to figure it out.

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