I love the word: PRACTICAL.
We all know big talkers. But, few of us know BIG DOERS.
And you know what the difference is? Talkers are impractical.
Doers just proceed to shut up and GET 'ER DONE!
What gets in our way?
What prevents us from living a real life that is satifying?
Isn't it the fact we fill our thoughts with IMPRACTICAL thinking instead of shutting up and DOING instead?
One thing we all seem to have in common on this Discussion Group. We were all wasting a large chunk of our lives BELIEVING things UNTRUE.
Those things were simply IMPRACTICAL.
We filled our beliefs with IMPRACTICAL ideas totally time-wasting and-as it turned out--totally untrue as well.
So I have a SNIFF TEST. The purpose of the SNIFF TEST is to check your beliefs for what is and is not IMPRACTICAL.
Here is how it works.
Ask yourself if each of your strong beliefs will drive a nail in, paint a wall, putty a crack, add to your bank account or or cook a meal?
Life is about living well and not merely existing depressed and without fun or energy. GET PRACTICAL and change all that. Clean out your useless and impractical beliefs and spend your thinking and believing on USEFUL things instead.
Here is a list. Go through and ask yourself how many of these beliefs adds a penny to your budget or makes your car run better.
1.The TRINTY---whether or not god is or is not 3 persons in 1 is god's problem and not yours!
2.Heaven/Hell---belief or disbelief; regardless you know you're going to have to buy groceries and have a colonoscopy.
3.Armageddon--knowing when or if it is coming won't pay your taxes or put a shine on those scuffed shoes of yours.
4.Evolution---believing or disbelieving won't take your dog to the vet or make your teeth whiter by a shade.
5.Existence of God---total waste of time better spent volunteering for Meals on Wheels or visiting a cancer ward and cheering a patient.
See what I'm saying?
Would you hire a plumber based on whether or not he believes in flying saucers?
Would you go to a medical specialist based on whether or not he thinks 14 is his lucky number?
Would you cross the street to avoid having to pass somebody who wore masonic ring or a crucifix or a star of David?
I DOUBT YOU WOULD and there is a good reason you wouldn't. IT MAKES no DIFFERENCE.
What is my conclusion to all the above?
Life is short. Why waste it on silly thoughts about the IMPRACTICAL?
Didn't we waste enough of our energy and drive ourselves nuts worrying about fantasy while we were Jehovah's Witnesses?
So use the SNIFF TEST.
STOP wasting your time flapping your gums and DO something useful for a change!