You decide what shirt to buy.
You decide what color.
Your body decides what size.
Two whims and one practical cause.
You decide which god you believe in.
You decide what religion you practice.
Your core values decided what you were to decide.
Two whims and one practical cause.
You are a child and your parents instruct you.
You are a young adult and your society, your school and your friends shape you.
You are an adult and you become who you already are.
Two whims and one practical cause.
We breed dogs and horses to obtain particular traits that will appear as a result.
We raise grapes and blend them to create flavors of wine.
We are born to families with DNA and we inherit our nature.
Three practical causes.
Who are you?
You are the result of your DNA and your nature is what it IS.
You can reach up and grab a branch of an oak tree and try to bend it otherwise directions and exert all your strength in doing so.
But, what happens when you relax YOUR WILL? What happens when you "let go"?
The nature of the limb as it had ALREADY grown will SNAP BACK. NATURE PREVAILS.
YOUR WILL is an extraneous effort to bend nature from what it IS.
The history of human beings demonstrate how much effort is required to bend the animals we ARE
into the society we WISH we were.
We pick up our holy books and say: "It is god's will that I do this or that."
It is like the Chef who says: "It was the delicious meal that convinced me to cook it."