Being an oldie, I am puzzled by the changes. From my recall from my parents, don't quote me, but that prior to the 1940s one could take blood. then when vaccines first were developed, the watchtower trashed that idea because they didn't believe in bacteria. but used the fact it was made in horse blood, the issue why vaccines could not be taken and from there, blood transfusions. My goodness, how slack, now people can actually save their lives from bits of blood, in our day - no fractions were allowed at all and certainly not transplants as that was cannibalism! I wonder if people can now commit only 1/4 of adultery or become only a 1/4 apostate and save the DF procedure?. We had JW elders come to our ED Department to "explain" about blood and transplants. when I raised about not having transplants because of cannibalism - they told me that was not true - JW never believed that (or Armageddon coming in 1874 or 1914, or Moses resurrected in 1925, Armageddon in 1954, 1975 etc ad nauseum.