This is really becoming one of my biggest pet peeves. JWs use the word spiritual to describe anyone who goes out in service weekly, holds a congregation position, has privledges, in good standing etc, meanwhile this person can be rude, manipulating, or just plain evil and JWs will gush about how spiritual they are.
On the other hand you can have someone sincerely trying to be Christlike, manifesting good qualities and kind, helping others out, but if they dont have privleges, pioneer, MS, Elder, or dosent comment at the KH, or does not attend enough, that person is not "spiritual" to a JW!
This like the term the "truth" is truly Orwellian, the opposite of what they say it is. Spirituality should come from within, and be seen by how you treat others around you, yet JWs only look at WT unique works, and if you dont meet the eye test, you fail.
The WT conductor today said you can measure a persons spirituality by looking at the PRC! Sickening.