7 & 12.
Is the Bible based on astrology ?
by mP 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
The LIE-ble is based on pagan worship. The writers took bits and pieces of pagan worship, corrupted it and disassembled it so no one could benefit from it, added threats of hellfire or death if people tried finding their own answers, and forced people to take allegories found therein literally. There is nothing in that LIE-ble that wasn't stolen from something else--except, that is, the core scam that we were all born imperfect and sinful (a lie needed to back up whatever other lies they wanted to teach). All communism.
^ so there.
Seriously, is this the astrology/God belief connection you're wondering about?:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrology_in_the_Bible -
Well Daniel was an astrologer, it says so in his own book. Jesus was visited by astrologers. The temple in jerusalem faced east and was filled with zodiacs, josephus tells us. He also tells us that the 12 tribes are the jewish version of the zodiac. The four beasts of Ezekiel and the gospels are the four key zodiac signs. Look at ancient synogogues and a large number are filled with zodiacs. The same is true of christian cathedrals. All the major jewish holidays match the equinoxes and solstices.
This topic has many layers. But the Bible says the solar system and heavens were designed for timekeeping. What some put under the general category of "astrology" actual had a lot of astronomy. We have many astronomical texts that are strictly observations with no astrological reference. Most of the astrological references were handled separately.
But the Bible does link some astronomy with Christ and true worship. In general, Christ is represented by the Sun and his wife, the church, the moon. The moon is beautiful, but its light comes from the Sun.
Some have said that the 12 tribes of Israel are based on pagani astrology, by the 12 zodiac signs are based on astronomy. So God intended the concept of the 12 months of the year, etc. integral in the solar system and the earth's orbit and rotation. So it is fundamental. Ancients worshipped the sun but it doesn't mean they created the sun or that the sun is no more than a pagan god or goddess.
Josephus tells us the 12 tribes never existed and were the equivalent of the "Greek zodiac". Sorry for the poor paraphrasing.
Actually the BIble says very little about astronomy. Theres virtually nothing to learn from the BIble about asstronomy but theres plenty of astrology in there.