Hi, My name is Emmanuel (Manny) Tovar. I'm 21 years old, and I've never been a Jehovah's Witness. You're probably wondering, then, why am I here? I have family members who are Witnesses, and am trying to ask leading questions to get them into further discussions. Hoping all you ex-Witnesses can help me. I wonder: what made you "wake up" to the Watchtower.
Hi! Never-been Jehovah's Witness here
by truthlover1991 2 Replies latest jw friends
????? mmm... Legalism, Pharasaic behavior going beyond mere human imperfections. Check out http://www.jwfacts.com/. You know your family better than anyone. What type of injustices bother them? Child Molesters?!
Welcome truthlover. Use the search feature on this site and search away. There are tons of threads about this subject.
You will be told to read Steve Hassons books. Also look at www.jwfacts.com. What an eye opener that web site is.
There are many other wonderful sites also to look at.
Best of luck to you in your noble endeavor. Let us know how you make out. We are very, very insterested.