These extracts are from the book:
Charles Taze Russell - His Life and Times - The Man, the Millenium and the Message
by Fredrick Zydek (2010)
"He [Charles] wrote to Barons Hirsh and Rothschild explaining his views of Biblical prophecy and the return of the Jews, suggesting they and other wealthy Jews purchase, from Turkey, at a fair price, all her property interests in Palestine and Syria and constitute a Jewish state. Rothschild did buy land in the area from Turkey and may well have been influenced to do so by Russell's suggestion." - from page 120, footnote 126.
"By March, Charles is able to reprint news (first reported in the Milwaukee Sentinel) that Baron Edmon de rothschild (and possibly Baron Hirsh) have purchased 'a tract of land forty miles east of Lake Tiberias, and said to be extremely fertile...No families will be sent until some young men, who are to go as pioneers, have made the country habitable.'* Clearly, Charles sees this as the possible first step in the fulfillment of a prophecy he believes will see the world's Jews return to their homeland." - from page 126. *1 March 1892 issue of Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence.
"Russell believes that the Jewish people must return to their sacred homeland and that Israel must again become a nation in order for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. This is good news for Zionist Jews who believe the same thing and are looking for any conceivable way to begin the process of securing what they believe to be the land of their birthright even if it is only an affirmation of that hope being echoed by a non-Jew." - from page 288.
[Concerning the 9 October 1910 address to over 4,000 American Jews on the subject of Zionism in prophecy:]
"Perhaps the most important editor in the crowd is M. K. Goldman, editory of H'Yom, the only Jewish Daily published in America at the time. What began as the curiosity of a few Jewish scholars in Russell's prophetic vision for a new Israel has become a media event. Reports and articles about Russell's views will echo in the Jewish and secular press for weeks to come." - from page 293.
Note: A book was written by David Horowitz called 'Pastor Charles Taze Russell: An Early American Christian Zionist.
"In fact by the middle of the year [1915] the financial situation for the [Bible Student] movement is far better than anyone anticipated. Most of the funds that helped cure their ailing accounts come from the sale of literature with some help from private donations, but rumors begin to circulate among the ecclesias that Charles has accepted a check from Rockefeller for a million dollars and another million from entrepreneur, Helen Gould. Russell does not address the rumors himself but does print a letter sent by one of his coworkers, W. M. Wisdom, concerning the matter in his journal.
[1 July 1915 Watch Tower, page 207:]
"False Reports Injurious: 'Dear Brother Russell: For some time it has seemed expedient that I write you re some field observations. You may recall that I reported while South about a year ago, that a rumor was then going the rounds of that section that Rockefeller had sent you a check for a million dollars. Since reaching the territory which I have been in for the past six weeks, I have come up against a widely circulated report that you had received another million dollars, but this time from Helen Gould. Now this report is vouched for as being authentic, for it is said to have come from someone engaged in the work, recently at Brooklyn, so he knows (they think). If such reports were not so absurd they would be laughable. How anyone can give credence to such reports I cannot understand.'
"Wisdom's refutation of the validity of these rumors is all that is published, and there is no public record of either Rockefeller or Gould making a large contribution to Russell or of ever joining the Bible Student movement. But it might have been better had Russell denied the rumors himself as I found them still being discussed at a convention of Bible Students I attended in Canada in the 1970s." - from pages 388 & 389.
Frederick Zydek's book on Charles Taze Russell - some extracts
by JWB 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ahh, the manipulation of a socio-political environment in an attempt to fulfill a Biblical prophecy...
...that tendency has a long, proud history in evangelical America.
Band on the Run
Was Russell so important in his day that a Rothschild would care about what he thought? Reading his work, I am shocked.
I knew his family had millions but that is less than pocket money to a Rothschild. Zioinism exists without Russell's input. Is the suggestion that Zionism existed b/c of Russell. The Middle East has always been a contentious area. Foreign policy must take into account.
Perhaps Russell was more impt than I realize. It is just that when you read period books or watch films of the period, no one bothers to mention him.
Of course, some authors and artists were well-regarded in their day and today we do not know who they are.
Let's not forget the Russell family is considered one of the 13 families of the Illuminati!
So was Russell just some odd-ball outsider whom Rothchild decided to listen to out of curiosity. Or was Russell recognized in the context of his "Illuminati" family line?
A man named "Russell" started "Skull and Bones."
C.T. Russell is buried near a seeing-eye pyramid (some say under it!), a symbol of Satanism and Freemasonry. So how Rothchild saw Russell may not have been as any kind of an outsider at all.
The persecution by Hitler of JWs was not because of their religious beliefs but because of their "Illuminati" connections!
Cold Steel
So what is the position of the WT Society today regarding the return of Judah to its ancestral homeland? I had understood that the modern leaders have denied it, preferring to brand the WT Society as "spiritual Israel."
I've read many articles about Armageddon, a Jerusalem-centric battle to occur before the return of Christ (see Zechariah 12-14; Ezekiel 38-39; Revelation 11). It had nothing to do with the entire world, only the city of Jerusalem and the Gentile force from the north. I've asked numerous JWs about the particulars of Armageddon, and so far not one of them among the rank and file have any idea that it's a localized battle in which the Jewish Messiah saves Jerusalem just as it faces utter destruction. Jesus returns as he ascended (on the Mount of Olives), only this time he appears with ten thousands of his saints. The Jews see the marks in his hands and ask about them and Jehovah replies, "These are the wounds I received in the house of my friends." The Jews then realize the horrible truth that their fathers killed their own Messiah and they convert in a day. Then lamentation seizes the city, not only for their dead, but because they now know the identity of their "Anointed One."
Most Christian futurists believe this, but preterists don't. But preterists at least know the list of events as stated above. JWs, though, are clueless. I have an entire Watchtower on Armageddon, and there is so similarity whatsoever to scripture. It's like they're in a dream world.
Band on the Run
What 13 families of the Illuminati? Forget the Illuminati and learn basic civics to see how this country is run.