First of all I,m not against gays, I have made a 180 degree
turn on my view on homosexual. I thought my son was gay and
I considered how will I deal with it. In the process I realize, he
is my son and my love for him will not change. He is not gay, but
I came to the realization I have been wrong about guys.
I feel the world is coming to a good place.
Now my question, youths at that age (sexual awareness)
what,s the future. Ok, Boy Scouts, camping trips. You can,t
house a young youth(gay) with the girls, because you would
have young boys saying they are gay just to sleep in the barracks
with the girls. At the same time if the youth is attracted to same sex
don,t you think this will cause problem for he or her.
A adult (homosexual it,s different) but a youth, I don,t know.
I really hope it works out and there we be no problems.
I sure there has always been gays in the Boy Scouts, but
now you don,t have to hide it.