Just found an interesting site containing old WT documents.
by Bangalore 9 Replies latest jw friends
Just found an interesting site containing old WT documents.
Oui, Blondie. C'est un site web en français.
Zut alors! J'ai oublie tout mon francais.
Why promote a site that 95% of people here can't read?
http://wtarchive.svhelden.info/english/zions-watch-tower/ English version back to 1879
Trujw, thank you . I have downloaded some docs.
Why promote a site that 95% of people here can't read?
Because there obviously will be people on here on JWnet who can read French and may find the site useful?
Why promote a site that 95% of people here can't read?
1 - B ecause French is one of the five most widely spoken languages ??in the world
2 - B ecause its content is of great interest even for English people
3 - Because the content of this site is also used by french government organizations to highlight the lies of the Watchtower
4 - Because it's not just "another" website. Use Google Translation if you want to know the aim of Watchtower Wayback.
Actually that Watchtower Wayback archive is in French, but has a lot of English content.
It seems to contain every PDF and MP3 that was ever made available anywhere. Including WTLIB 2012. Way more than in my archive.