From the Governing Body

by molybdenum 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • molybdenum

    Dear Mugs Brothers

    Donate donate don't procrastinate
    Give us more and don't be late
    What you give is never enough
    Makes your life hard? That just tough

    Contribute with all your might
    or become a bethelite
    Don't leave an assembly, pockets full
    Put all in the box and watch us drool

    We need those heavy travel expenses
    to give Zone talks and bring all to their senses
    Let's go round the world once more time
    It's really fun (when you know it's a crime!)

    Catch us eating plain old cake
    Oh no, we can have 5 star steak
    Treat us like Kings, don't stumble
    We are The Slave, so discreet and humble

    Giving to us is giving to Jehovah
    So you should do it over and over
    Don't think that your money will be waste
    We will make sure it is used haste

    Thanks for the funds that we can use
    to further kingdom interests (and buy our Gucci shoes)
    Don't hesitate to donate
    remember ...we just hate to wait.

    with Christian Love from the Governing Body

  • Xanthippe
    Oh no, we can have 5 star steak
    Treat us like Kings, don't stumble

    Reminds me of when I was pioneering and got persuaded by the elders to have the CO and DO and wives round for lunch. We didn't have two pennies to rub together so we gave them cottage pie made with TVP, textured vegetable protein. When they found out they were livid. They didn't put it into words but the inference was why are you giving us this rubbish when we are so special.

  • whathappened

    Does anyone know how much $$$ the governing body gets a month or what kind of payment they receive? I know their living quarters are very nice at Bethel.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    MolyDDenum ...That was pretty good.

    The Governing Body are just doing what comes naturally.

    Their very own "Judge" Rutherford said "all" religion is a snare and a racket.

    Yes. It takes one, to know one.

    And they are loving the worshipful admiration and high living. No worry for them when April 15th, tax-time comes around or figuring out retirement expenses or

    health care costs.

    They have got the "cat in the bag" on that one.

    Just Lois

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