Ancient giants and their mythology is the source of all religion?

by yadda yadda 2 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think it's very likely there were ancient giants that thrived in a time in our distant past where earth's conditions were favourable for optimal genetic expression, as was the case with dinosaurs, etc. There's very good evidence for this.

    These giants would have dominated and ruled like gods and would have had their own mythology where they claimed to have descended from gods, such as we read of in the book of Genesis with the Nephalim.

    I think if you are looking for a non-supernatural explanation for the origins of religion, the existence of such ancient 'god-like' giants and the mythology they passed on is probably the best explanation.

    Fascinating series to watch here:

  • Bugbear

    According to Science (Archeology) as far as I know, they have found no scheletons, from the period before the flood 4300 years ago, that indicates there were existent giants (human)at that time. How come that we have 100.000 parts of scheletons before the flood and not one of those that were really giants. We know that some animals were "BIGGER" but no trace of human beeings been bigger. The oldest of these BIG animals such as the dinosaures and other speciments, disapeared over 300 millions of year before the "flood".

    On the other hand experiments has been done to test various thechniqe to explain how the Pyramids were built, the Stonehenge a.s.f. Some archologist are quite sure that they know the techniqe, using a waste amount of slaves and animal power, such as elephants and others.


  • mP

    YOu meed to remember that just 100 years ago everybody was a foot smaller. We today would be classified as giants. In fact, Goliath is in some texts listed as 6"6 which while tall today is not what we would call a giant. However if you were under 5 foot, then i guess 6'6 would be considered a giant.

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