I have often lain awake nights pondering the deeper things of Scripture. Not for me re-runs of Cheers or trashy magazines to help me sleep. No, for I am an earnest Bible Student who delves into Scripture night and day.
Today's text that invited deep plummeting was Mathew 24:14 which in the newly translated Chef's Bible reads, "For this good butter will be spread all over the bread and then in the end be toasted." I am very certain Chef JC was not referring to literal bread and butter for when I followed his very words and buttered the bread before it was toasted, the butter caused the toaster to catch fire and in the end my kitchen was no more. I am forced to conclude a chef as worthy as JC would not limit himself to literal ingredients. He must mean the ingredients symbolically. As my mother said, "When He says 1 teaspoon, I double it, provided it is not salt". And Ihad earlier wrongly thought Scripture was ABC-easy. Not so. I am interested in other's views, including their direct experience in the kitchen of interpreting Divine recipes, meat-based and vegetarian. All views will be considered, although those closest to mine will elicit the most goosebumps. Nightie night and sweet eating.