Is "Mother" associating independent thinking with a phobia?

by I_love_Jeff 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • I_love_Jeff

    What happens when Jehovah's Witnesses think independently? What happened to Adam when he sinned? Since when is independent thinking equivalent to disobedience?

    "In keeping with the principle of this proverb, Adam acted selfishly and his foolish thinking ‘distorted his way.' His heart turned from Jehovah God, and he set out on his own selfish, independent course. Why, Adam became such an ingrate that he blamed his Creator and thus made himself an enemy of the Most High! Adam's sin brought his own way and that of his family to ruin." Watchtower Magazine 11/15/92

    "Is the often heard Protestant go-to-the-church-of-your-choice mentality any different from the independent thinking that led Adam and Eve into erroneous belief and subsequent trouble?" Awake Magazine 9/8/89

    What happens when JWs disobey their Superiors? Are they shunned? Treated poorly by their JW friends?

    Does the New Testament not speak highly of independent thought? Their publications associate it with disobedience thus making it a negative connotation. Does this not lead to a phobia, a fear to disobey?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    New Testament ? What's that? If it's not in the Watchtower a JW has no use for it.

    To answer your questions: Yes, a JW who thinks "independently" (which means any thinking at all) will not be looked on favorably.

    If a JW does too much thinking, they'll most likely be shoved over to the "apostate" section quickly.

    Their publications associate it with disobedience thus making it a negative connotation.

    Loyalty to the Bible does constitute "disobedience"- to the Watchtower. Yes, the Bible does speak highly of critical thinking. But the WT does not highlight that.

  • FadeToBlack

    Can't tell you how often recently I have heard the comment that I think 'too much'. I thought Proverbs highly regarded 'thinking ability'.

    Are they against thinking? What exactly does 'independent thinking' mean? Is there an opposite to this: what is dependent thinking or independent non-thinking. is it dependent, non-thinking?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    In JW cult world who needs thinking? Just listen, obey, and be blessed. It's that simple in a bat-shit crazy cult.

  • Mum

    "Independent" thinking is the only kind of thinking there is. Everything else is conformity.

  • prologos

    FtB: yeah, Proverbs 14:17 :-- man of thinking ability is HATED--" by you know who.

    The elders that have to keep the lid on.

    the pot with the fermenting mass.

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