So I was having lunch with my inlaws and my FIL was sounding off as usual about the economy, Scottish devolution, the shortcomings of county councils etc etc. He said to me well don't you think that (whatever it was) would be a better way of doing things ( in other words - his way ) Myself, being extremely relaxed - in vino veritas - said no I think it's narcissistic personality disorder.
Note to self really shouldn't drink so much when talking to FIL, but it is my birthday.
He said what's narcissistic personality disorder. So I explained to him about narcissus in Greek mythology, the youth who looked into a pool, saw his own reflection and fell in love with himself. Narcissists are generally very egotistical and feel the whole world revolves around them or the system should adapt to their needs, I said.. (Yes I will pay for this!) So he googled it on his lap top and decided from the blurb on Wiki that half the population are being described there and that he is quite normal.
My MIL pipes up, I really don't think he knows which kind of daffodil you mean, dear.
I know, you had to be there, I guess......... but he can be so annoying!