For those of you not aware of English customs, a preliminary remark about a 'celebration' known as Guy Fawkes night in England. It's held on November 5th each year and is commemmorated by having a bonfire in the backyard with a 'guy' who is burned on top of the fire. The guy is usually a 'man' made of straw dressed in some old clothes or uniform. Around the fire, children dance and play and fireworks are lit. A great family occasion.
Interestingly the WTS in its May 22 issue of the Awake! magazine terms this custom as having "spiritistic overtones", something to be avoided by Christians. This seems rather off the mark. Guy Fawkes was a man in previous ages who sought to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London with barrels of gunpowder. The plot was foiled and ever since effigies of Guy Fawkes have been burned around the country on the anniversary of his ill-fated deed. But "spiritistic"? Uh?
"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress