After the bombshell that is the May Broadcast asking for cold hard cash, I was thinking about the mathematics of the money that they want.
Details are very few, but with help from a few people we could build up a decent guess about cashflow.
We know that 6 buildings recently were sold for 375 Million dollars, tax free I assume. Lett says that "a significant property's" sale would only cover a few weeks of running. So if we ballpark this and say that the single property was worth 50 million (it was "significant" remember).
The 2014 YB reports that almost 200 Million USD was spent on the special pioneers, CO etc. Obviously the latest Brooklyn sale could sustain that work for more than a year!
So my thinking is this: If we can get info from a decent amount of congregations around the world, and calculate a rough average of donations per congregation per month. Times the average by 113,823; the amount of congregations reported in the 2014 YB.
The figure we get from that would be very generous considering many congregations cannot donate as much as ones in 1st world countries, but it would be interesting to see how the figure we get compares to the "significant" sale!