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by zound 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • zound

    Saw this daily text posted on facebook along with a buttload of comments from JW’s. I would only recommend reading this on an empty stomach.

    The one listening to counsel is wise.—Prov. 12:15.

    If elders observe that some questionable conduct is retarding a man’s spiritual progress, they take the initiative to readjust him in a spirit of mildness. (Gal. 6:1) At times, counsel is needed because of some personality trait. If a brother seems somewhat self-sparing, for example, an elder may find it helpful to point out that Jesus was a zealous Kingdom proclaimer who commissioned his followers to make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Luke 8:1) If a brother appears ambitious, an elder might show him how Jesus helped His disciples to see the dangers of seeking prominence. (Luke 22:24-27) What if a brother has a tendency to be unforgiving? The illustration of the slave who refused to forgive a small debt even though he himself had been forgiven much more would make a powerful point. (Matt. 18:21-35) When counsel is needed, it is good for the elders to provide it at the earliest opportunity.—Prov. 27:9.

    Posters comment: All Jehovah wishes is for us to remain with him. With council he appeals to our inner heart, that candle that burns with desire to serve him. He provides the lovely support of the elders and his wider organization to ensure all can benefit, even if we ourselves think we may not need it. I can tell you, only Jehovah really knows us, I thought I knew myself, was strong, could stand...but the only support for man doesn't lie within his bones, his muscles or his mind...only Jehovah provides the real support and guidance we need in this system. Because our maps and compass are flawed, this system and imperfection are like a magnet that throws us off course. But Jehovah and his precise son, our King, are the guides walking ahead of us so to speak, taking notice that we do not fall and do not stray.


    “yes, i like you illustration-----jah in front of us leading and jesus behind us proding us on, if we let them....!!!”

    “If we respect these gifts in men, we show that we love Jehovah coz he is the 1 who gave them the assigment.”

    “jehovah will nvar leav us”

    “Yes these scriptures coupled with council from the elders keep us right on track. They help us evaluate ourselves too, as their is a tendency to think we are okay in many aspects.”

    “counsel is always needed because of some personality trait so to reprove and put us in the right path.When counsel is needed, it is good for the elders to provide it at the earliest opportunity and when they do,let us listen to Jehovah through them so that we can be wise...remember ..Listen, obey and be blessed! May Jah help us all to keep listening. Good morning beloved brothers and sisters”

    “listen obey and blessed. Gd day to my christian families”

    “Yes. Our heavenly father n his son has led a strong foundation by putting us his faithful followers on the right track. They give us protection N guidance needed and d elders correct d congregation in a mild tempered spirit. Isn't it grateful to ve a forgiving spirit.”

    “It's also important to note that they do this out of genuine love coz they surely wouldn't love to see any of their congregation members go astray.”

    “Good that we get adjustments because we tend to believe we're ok”

    “thats another way Jehovah shows his love to us. All we have to do is accept our short comings n do his will”

    “one word. . . . LOVE”

    “Listen, obey and be blessed!”

    “Listening to Jehovah, by meetings or printed words leads to everlasting life!!”

    “Love this. Illustration”

    “Very good text the faithful and discreet slave sure know,what congregations,around the world need. At the right time.and being taught why we should have a appreciative attitude when our brother's councel us. Sometimes we have to make adjustments. And know that the councel is directed by Jehovah's holy spirit.”

    “We all need help.And this is readily available in the christian congregation.”

    “Who Jehovah love he discipline so we should listen to counsel.wen b counsel by d elders”

    “Hw gratefull we r to thz fyn elders tt Jehovah hs gvn us”

    “Listen obey and be blessed.we must show deep respect and love to the gifts of men in the in the cong.Jehovah used them to instruct us to do his will and they help us to solve our problem specially in spiritual they give scriptural advise..”

    “Please elders, do not hold back counsel for any reason of the fear of man, so as not to deprive a person of good spiritual readjustment.”

    “the councel from the elders are for us,it means they very concerned about our welfare thats why we thanks to the elder coz they are always ther for us in time of need”

    “It's always good that we r reminded all the time as we are living in this old system of things where all bad influences are poisoning us. So keep up. Keep reading all our timely magazines and do our personal study , in this way we are can get protection from Jehovah.”

    “Great info at the right time..in my life.”

    “How vital it is en tht w shw our appreciation 4 e 'gfts m men' who go out f eir wy 2 gv us timely counsel..”

    “It's soooo Loving of our Heavenly Father to continue to refine us with his word and direction through texts such as these....We just have to work along with the spirit and it will be to our 'best' advantage.”

    “Don't feel mad at the Elders if they give us cousel on our mistakes, but we show some respect to them..Remember Jehovah God is the one who assigned them to the congregations to care His precious flock,so if we follow them and cooperate with them, We show that we Love Jehovah's Rules.”

    “When we recived counsel from d elders, we wnt to follow them, blc it is a means of saving us or protectting our spiriturlity. So let all of us listen to counsel it save as wiseness 4 us.”

    “if an elder observes one or many areas u r lagging it means Jehovah loves u n still need you to save him bt if yo mistakes are unnotced then u r far away frm Jehovah favour...one elder shared this counsel with me”

    “Listen and be blessed” “Perfect example for our elders.... Great piece from Jehovah through da Discreet slave. We can immitate Jesus too in da ministry”

    “Our heavenly Father purposefuly provided this Gift in Men to care & guild us in our ways . Though they are also imperfect begin but we can be sure that they are worthy of this assingment that is why they are assinged to it. With this , if we accept ther instruction, we are indirectly obeying & accepting Guidiance from the holy spirit because they are assinged & guided by the Holy spirit. So we should stirve & do all we can to obey any INSTRUCTION giving by them.”

    “It all requires humility...we should subject our selves to these gifts in men,and humble ourselves and accept the counsel that is given to us and "probabaly we may be consealed in Jehovah's day of anger"(Zephaniah 2:3)”

    “When elders counsels us it is actually Jehovah doing so, we must take and use their advice to show our love and loyalty to Jehovah. He polishes us to remove any trait that may hinder us to inherit the kingdom so we must cooperate with those loving sheperds”

    “For an elder to give us counsel it shows they really have our interest at heart,we can show our appreciation for them by heeding to their advice. This Gift-in-men are indeed a GIFT from JEHOVAH. Todays text is rich and timely.”

    “This is a councel for all of us,,, (for the elders too)”

    “A friend.. Sticking closer than..Sometimes Jah..counsels us through...Wife-Husbands, friends, co-workers, and Whoever....Do I listens..I'm as accoubtable and I clearly understand. Maty 6:33”

    “Just serve Jah..Do it.”

    “Council from the elders is council from god!!”

  • fakesmile

    opinions is very similar to b-holes. very similar.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    These comments have MIND CONTROL CULT written all over them; especially the ones that call for unquestioning obedience.

    Reopened Mind

  • jw07

    I notice a common thread: zealous Witnesses on social networks tend to exhibit the worst grammar! Check it out if you haven't noticed it. Compare comments on anything by JWs (especially the uber-zealous ones) with those of your atheist or other religiously affiliated friends. You will likely see a very stark contrast.

  • clarity
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "Don't feel mad at the Elders if they give us cousel on our mistakes, but we show some respect to them..Remember Jehovah God is the one who assigned them to the congregations to care His precious flock,so if we follow them and cooperate with them, We show that we Love Jehovah's Rules."

    Wow God assigns pedo elders to protect the flock

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