Lol, just noticed something. The images that appear in a slideshow on homepage with the heading beneath "The good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth". Anyone who's familiar with photoshop can tell that in at least most of those images (if not all) the witnesses are superimposed into the scenes. You can tell by looking at the hair and finer details.
Superimposed witnessing
by zound 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I would take a look but I don't like to click on their official site and give them anymore google ranking than they already have.
yeah, the scenes are gorgeous, never noticed the witnesses much, they think their feet are beautiful though.
At least some probably are. I know about photography and photoshop enough to say it's probably just the resolution of the photos taken that make it seem that way. So much detail it begins to look fake.
I gotta think some of this has to be so that the "regular JWs" who go to the site get that warm feeling that they are part of something bigger.
I mean, the everyday JW is banging on empty doors in boring suburbia, usually in blistering heat or freezing cold. I mean, they surely can't show them hanging at McDonalds or Starbucks, so they put in these scenes up for both the JWs and the public like the majority are engaged in some amazing worldwide preaching work.
It's advertising, plain and simple. How's this for photo-shopping?!