mtwtf My venting #8
The July 2013 WT is puzzling.
It looks important.
The subjects are compelling.
It offers a panoramic view of biblical history.
It has an air of scholarship with its ENDNOTES. (aka. Spurious scholarship)
Yet, it contains many blatant half-truths presented as inviolable facts, none of which are agreed upon nor accepted outside WTS ranks.
The hype surrounding the WTS’ press release of 2012, ensured that the WTS’ radical new exposition of divinely backed interpretation of unseen events, would not go unnoticed.
Who Cares
Without understanding much of it, dubs have pored over the July 2013 WT, knowing that it will soon be called “new light,”.
Some are so convinced that this is the ABSOLUTE LAST word (final new light), that they are trying to memorize entire articles for use in deep and meaningful conversations and for quotation from the platform!
Cynics see the WT as only the LATEST, but sure-to-be-changed word. Cynics approach this WT the same as they would approach a basket of biblical figs: look for good, honest “figs’ to use; look for bad, dishonest figs to discard. (Do bad figs taint good figs?)
The average dub wants to understand the “new light,” but is willing to wait until it is explained at the WT study.
Good Figs
The WT basket contains some good, honest figs.
Perhaps unintentionally, the WT reveals that the new beliefs have been engineered solely by human spirit without any support of holy spirit.
The WTs makes no claim that its revised doctrines were transmitted to it by angels, or dictated to it by holy spirit. To this extent the WT is honest and can be used. (Even against the WTS!) How dubs will react to this uncharacteristic honesty is awaited with interest.
Sample extract of honest expressions from study Article #1 of the July 2013 Watchtower.
¶3 The great tribulation was thought…
¶4 Upon (our) further examination…
¶4 That insight led to …
¶5 We also discerned…
¶7 So what can weexpect…
¶ 10 Previously we thought…
¶10 Weconcluded…, etc.
Bad Figs
Then there are bad, dishonest figs.
The dishonest figs are meant to convince readers that the WTS has accurately traced a chain of unseen spiritual events back for over 3,500 years and that these events pinpoint the years 1914-1919 as cardinal years for understanding Bible prophecy.
Then, using 1914-1919 as pivotal years, the WT claims to have identified clear dates for the fulfillment of major Bible prophecies.
The “Gift”
How did the WTS learn so much about unseen events? Does it rely on its own research, or does it have a “gift of interpretation?” The WTS is silent on this question, but seems to favor the spread of the belief that it is has a “gift,” which “gift” has divine backing.
(It may be argued that ability to interpret unseen spiritual events is not peculiar to the WTS. Phantasms are a typical feature of most cult leaders. “Vision in the night” generally involve an interpretation of events.)
However, the WTS’ “gift of interpreting” unseen spiritual events is unique inasmuch as the WTS’ “gift” is spread across every member of the governing body! The WTS’ “gift” is not confined to just the leader, as with most cults.
However, the WTS’ “gift” is a two-edged sword. If the interpretation is correct, credit goes to the WTS. If the interpretation is incorrect, blame must fall on the WTS.
Clearly, the reason for the WTS’ catalogue of false prophecy is because the WTS’ “gift” does not have divine backing. It is entirely man made.
Nonetheless, the value the WTS places on this “gift” can be gauged by the way it guards it. The “gift” is strictly off-limits to anyone in the WTS outside the governing body. For a rank and file dub to claim possession of this “gift” would be tantamount to his or her admission of dementia.
Alternatively, he or she could be seen to have laid down a challenge to the authority of the governing body – which is a capital offense!
The “gift of interpretation” adds immeasurably to the governing body’s mystique. It keeps members of the governing body safe from challenge in their positions.
The “gift” has played a leading role in the growth of the WTS to this point.
Look at the growth over the Russell years. Could the WTS have achieved such growth if Russell had not believed he had a God-given ability to interpret the Scriptures? Russell’s “gift of interpretation” revealed to him: the return of Christ in 1874, leading to the great tribulation, followed in 1914 by Armageddon and the start of the new system.
However, by 1919, when it looked like the WTS would have to settle on a “correct interpretation of unseen spiritual events score” of NIL, the new WTS President discerned another remarkable unseen spiritual event. Christ HAD actually returned in 1914, right on time! Naturally, since his return was INVISIBLE, only those with the “gift” saw it! (So they say.)
So the Russell era turned out to be a resounding success for the WTS and one which set the pattern for future growth.
The “gift of interpretation” is probably the single most important factor behind the propulsion of the WTS to the forefront of modern day Christian evangelism. The WTS’ publishing arm could never have flourished without the “gift” inspired sensational articles of the early 1900s’ – like the end of the world, millions now living…, etc – on which the WT built its reputation.
Considering this, other Christian religion’s gave up the struggle to explain Bible prophecy and no longer profess to be seers and interpreters of unseen evens.
Additionally, the “gift” has been the WTS greatest tool in keeping followers from straying. (The END is so close.)
If the cynics are correct and the July 2013 WT is just the LATEST and not the LAST word, then it is only a matter of time before these “words” come under the same pressures for change as the “words” they replaced. The pressures for change facing WTS doctrines would include:
Pressure 1. Doctrinal errors being mercilessly exposed to ridicule by “apostates.” This embarrasses the WTS.
Pressure 2. Changes-of-the-guard at the governing-body are generally followed by major rewrites of doctrine. After the previous incumbents of the governing-body have died off or been shunted aside, doctrine can be changed without the outbreak of open hostilities. (This may not preclude any rounding off of sharp edges of the new doctrines.)
Pressure 3. Holy spirit may direct the governing-body to make specific changes to the doctrines. (Unlikely)
Pressure 4. Social and political pressures may arise from the findings of public and political enquiries and legal judgements against the WTS for harboring pedophiles, etc.
Preach on
The frank disclosure by the WTS, that its latest revisions were all humanly engineered, must undermine the WTS’ promotion of itself as mankind’s only reflector of true spiritual light; light that gets ever brighter because of the operation of God’s holy spirit on the governing-body.
By applying its policy of enforced unity, the WTS seem likely to continue to press-on and teach untruths to millions more around the globe.