Watchtower CEOs "Take The Money And Run" Big Kingdom Hall Blowout Sale

by frankiespeakin 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    As the date setting business for Armageddon gulibles has a limited financial future due to expectation postponed syndrone, what could be a possible scenerio as membership stagnates and then nose dives? What happens when they're left with this inevitable forecasting dilema? Will the Governing Body commission huge blowout sales of Kingdom Halls telling the R&F that armageddon is so close that they can all meet in their homes and sell their KHs sending the money to the corporation to use as they see fit?

    Will the Governing Body take the money and run?

  • whathappened

    I don't see a way out for them at this point. How much longer can this cult continue to draw in new members? The Rank & File must be getting so sick of door to door, door to door, with little to nothing to show for it.

  • designs

    How long on the mortgages on the KHs.

  • sir82
    How much longer can this cult continue to draw in new members?

    As long as there are gullible people who are in the market to buy hope, and/or want someone else to tell them what they ought to do.

    And/or opportunistic weasels who see an easy way to get prestige / power / sexual gratification by preying on said gullible people.

    I.e. for a long time.

    JWs will eventually fade into obscurity, but it will take the better part of the next century or so (barring a colossally stupid mistake by the GB).

    And after they fade, some other self-made prophet will hit the cosmic lottery of charisma, wealth, and a lucky guess, like CTR did, and the cycle will repeat.


    Let's hope for a colossal blunder..

  • frankiespeakin


    JWs will eventually fade into obscurity, but it will take the better part of the next century or so (barring a colossally stupid mistake by the GB).

    Well I hope it don't take that long!

    I think at this point in the game the chance of the GB makeing a colossal blunder are greater than lessor.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Yes baring some huge mistep the GB will change and squirm and do whatever to survive in whatever

    incarnation they morph into .

    For goodness sakes there still are Bible Students left preaching Russells crazy crap.

  • frankiespeakin


    Good point about Bible Students, They are still around but not under the control of a billion dollars size Corporation with huge real estate holding and thousands of KH properties under their control around the world.

    So some small structure of organization may live on for the die hards who still beleive this crap, but it is hard for me to see this corporation with all these free and willing worker for nothing but the basics continuing on very long with all these failed expectations on record.

    They would have to morph into something very different to stick around in the future.

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