Children in Danger - Mental Abuse
by Gayle 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh I thank my Australian upbringing that i never inflicted this part of the jw thing on my kids.
and when the UN or the New order or whatever nightmare monster turns on the WTS then they will cry foul and shall be given to weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth.
and Jesus will say "Where were you when i was naked, starving and homeless?".... "For such as you did it unto these you did it unto me!"
This is so sad.
At the KH I used to go to, there is a little girl. She's about 9. According to her, she has three daddies. She is homeschooled, and when I asked if she had lots of friends, she said she knew two other little girls who are also JWs and homeschooled. But she never gets to see them. :(
Well, I loved and appreciated that short video. I have been plagued by reoccurring nightmares of a large, distant storm approaching, of course symbolizing Armageddon, and I too remember that disturbing and offensive drawing in the old Paradise book (the big, orange-coloured one back around the 70s) about the buildings rocking and the earth opening up to swallow those “wicked” people, including little children. The last 30 years, since I was just a teenager, I have been living under the assumption that I have sinned against the holy spirit (thus my user name, “SAHS”), with all the lovely depression and feelings of inadequacy that go along with that.
So, yeah, I thought the video drove home the point.
Also, the Awake! magazine which the little boy is holding up, I’m pretty sure, is that one with a bunch of photos on the cover of children who have died because of the blood issue, apparently kids who were “faithful to Jehovah” right up to their death, being paraded around as “good examples of faith” – probably the most shameful magazine they published! (I don’t know how they still get away with all that in today’s society.)